New Loon Moon Supermarket (Gerrard Street) | Asian Supermarket
Before Chinatown was as we know it today, New Loon Moon Supermarket was the first ever oriental store in the area.
Retailing humble Chinese foodstuffs, New Loon Moon’s Gerrard Street store has expanded exponentially since it opened over 40 years ago. It’s now a three-storey wondermart, with its owners, the Cheong family (who took it over in the 80s), selling over 4000 types of Southeast Asian delights. We’re talking Thai, Malaysian, Korean, Singaporean, Indonesian, Burmese and everything in-between.
Discover prickly Thai jackfruit, Chinese lotus roots and tasty Filipino corn snacks, while perusing their shelves, and expect all manner of crazy condiments, like Thai chilli tamarind sauce, delicious fresh raw ingredients and produce. It’s no wonder New Loon Moon is Jamie Oliver and John Torode’s go-to place for pan-Asian groceries.
The proof of their products is in the sourcing – the New Loon Moon team take frequent trips across Asia, not to superstores, but to small stall vendors and wet markets to discover the most exciting items locals are buying.
By staying receptive to consumer whims (Thai and Chinese students love their instant noodles) New Loon Moon has always stayed ahead of the latest foodie trends, with a progressive approach to their stock purchasing.
In 2007, New Loon Moon were auspicious enough to receive a visit of the royal kind. Chosen to represent Chinatown’s supermarkets, the store saw HRH Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall pop by to check out their wares.
And, just to confirm their superior super-store status, they wholesale supply to almost every major supermarket in the UK.